Die Utrecht University hält vom 3.-5. Juli 2017 die ‚DH Benelux 2017 Conference‚ ab. Der Call for Papers ist noch bis zum 15. Februar 2017 offen. Das Programm wird veröffentlicht, sobald es verfügbar ist.
Kernthemen sind:
- Application of digital technology in literary, linguistic, cultural, and historical studies
- Exploration and analysis of multimedia resources
- Text mining and image mining (e.g. stylometry, topic modelling, sentiment mining)
- Digital media, digitization, curation of digital objects
- Software development, systems design and information modelling
- Interfaces, augmented reality, serious gaming
- Design and application of algorithms
- Infrastructures and virtual research environments
- Ethnography and user studies
- Critical study of digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, video games
- Ethical, social and economic aspects of digitality and digital humanities
- Didactics of digital humanities