
The First Russian-Language Newspaper in the Caucasus

The newspaper Kavkaz (Caucasus) was published during 1846-1918. It was the first Russian-language newspaper in the Caucasus, published in Tiflis (Tbilisi), Georgia.

To the database Kavkaz

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About Kavkaz

The main purpose of the newspaper was, on the one hand, to promote the Russian culture and Russian influence in the Caucasus, and on the other hand “to acquaint the Russian public with the life, habits and traditions of the tribes populating the province of the Caucasus”.

In 1846 Kavkaz began as a weekly newspaper, from 1850 it started to come out twice a week, in 1868 its periodicity changed to 3 times per week and from 1877 it became a daily publication until its closure in 1918.

This Russian-language newspaper published official documents of the Russian Empire, as well as many historical, cultural and archeological writings by the prominent public and cultural figures of the local intelligentsia. During the brief period of 1846-1847 this newspaper had an Armenian-language counterpart.


The licensing was arranged in cooperation with the Specialised Information Service Russian, East and Southeast European Studies.

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