Digitisation Request
moreYou can request titles to be digitized if their copyright has expired. Digitisation costs 0.25€ per page und will be scanned ...Acquisition Request
moreIs there a book, a journal or access to a database not yet available in Germany? Please make a acquisition request. ...Interlibrary Loan
moreWe are a service of the University and State Library Saxony-Anhalt (ULB) and we offer specialized literature many libraries do not hold. ...Publish on MENAdoc
moreRelevant Texts on the Middle East and on Islam Since 2016, the FID has been offering researchers the cost-free service of making research-relevant ...Digitalisation of Out-of-commerce Works
moreSorry, this entry is only available in German. ...Research Data
moreOne of the tasks of the Specialised Information Service for Middle Eastern, North African and Islamic Studies is to support the academic community in dealing with research data. ...Notes on Transliterations
moreWhen searching our holdings for titles in original script (Arabic, Cyrillic, Armenian or Georgian letters), you have to use the transliteration common in the German library system. ...Calendar Conversion
moreBitte tragen Sie links das Jahr (Hiǧra oder Gregorianisch) ein und klicken Sie auf den entsprechenden Button. Das Ergebnis ist ein Näherungswert. Die ...Hints on how to use MENAsearch
moreMENAsearch is the discovery system of the FID Middle East, North Africa and Islamic Studies for your literature research. It is a ...Subject Bibliographies
moreTurkology Annual The most important systematic bibliography for Turkology and Ottoman Studies is the Turkologische Anzeiger/Turkology Annual (TA), founded by Andreas Tietze (†) ...