New as Open Access: “Translating the Bible into Arabic”

Volume 131 of the „Beiruter Texte und Studien“

Sara Binay und Stefan Leder: Translating the Bible into ArabicVolume 131 of the „Beiruter Texte und Studien“ is is now freely available here in our open access repository MENAdoc.

The book was edited by Sara Binay and Stefan Leder and published by the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB). The texts are partly in English and partly in Arabic.

Full title: Translating the Bible into Arabic : historical, text-critical and literary aspects ; [conference “Linguistic and cultural aspects of translation – the Arabic Bible”, held in Beirut in December 2008]

The publisher’s summary:

This book offers a collection of papers presented during the conference “Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of Translation – The Arabic Bible“, held 2008 at the OIB. The six english and four Arabic contributions treat various Bible translations and editions made during the last 500 years. As a whole, this collection highlights the complexity of Arabic translations of the Bible and thus accentuates the fact that translations must often be seen as particular modes of expression.