1) You can access the new monthly acquisitions (July and August 2015) of our Special Subject Collection via
- https://www.menalib.de/neuerwerbungen/?date=201507
- https://www.menalib.de/neuerwerbungen/?date=201508
Titles in the OPAC of the ULB can be loaned within Germany as an interlibrary loan.
2) A new source for Islamic studies has been made available on the repository MENAdoc: the multivolume set Mafatih al-Ghayb (Tafsir al-Kabir) composed by Fakhr ad-Din ar-Razi (1149-1209) and published in 1890 with a commentary by the Ottoman Grand Mufti Ebussuud Efendi (1490-1574):
3) The important Armenian newspaper Mshak (published in Tbilisi between 1872 and 1920) is now available on microfilm (89 reels):
Each reel can be loaned within Germany as an interlibrary loan.
4) A new colleague in charge of the Iranian studies section, Reza Zanganeh, has joined our team at the Saxony-Anhalt State and University Library, Halle in August.