Call for Papers: Articles for the first issue of DİYÂR

DİYÂR – The New Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies!

DİYÂR is a new, interdisciplinary and interregional academic journal edited by GTOT. It deals with Turkey, the Ottoman Empire and its successor states, Iran, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

DİYÂR | Zeitschrift für Osmanistik, Türkei- und Nahostforschung

It also publishes research on the languages, cultures and history of various Turkic and Iranian- speaking groups, dynasties and states as well as of other ethno-linguistic and religious groups living in these countries until the present day.

DİYÂR publishes original and as yet unpublished contributions from the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences with emphasis on the fields of history, literary studies, sociolinguistics, political science, sociology, economics, cultural anthropology/ethnology, religious studies, music studies, cultural geography, education and law.

Through its focused content and high peer-review standards, DİYÂR intends to be a leading international academic periodical on Turkic and Iranian research.

For the first issue of DİYÂR, to be published in July 2019, GTOT welcomes proposals for papers. Please submit your article(max. 10,000 words, footnotes included) and an abstract (150-200 words) with a list of keywords (up to 6) to Tabea Becker-Bertau by 17th Dec, 2018. DİYÂR accepts contributions written in German, English and French.

For more information, see: